- gallery page buttons - change to include some page number to denote that you're on a page or you have the option to go to a different page (duh. I should have thought about that)
- home page is a little bland, I'm going to try and have the RSS feed (app) of my blog on the front page in a text area, but I'm going to keep it seamless.
- maybe change the background of the site, have a subtle texture area in that mid-grey box. probably concrete or something. I don't know yet but this is just my preference here.
- introduce the game design element - put the joystick back on the control computer link thinger. then it will tie in with the whole "hoping to score" theme. Probably with a link to my game design forum which I hope to have up and ready soon.
Just a few little tweaks, and then its done-done. =]
There are a few things still to be done, like scan and upload my sketchbook here when I can find it.
scan scan i wanna see!