23 Sept 2009

Past Work - DE1005 Introduction to Imagemaking (illustration)

These images were created as part of a brief involving narratives in scenarios. After being given a choice of six headings or themes we were asked to produce a series of at least six images that would show the viewer our interpretation of the chosen theme. This series is simply named after the theme that i selected, which was "The Search."

From blogstuff
From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

From blogstuff

These images are supposed to form a narrative. I've been umm'ing and ahh'ing about whether or not to revisit this series and add maybe a little more depth and some more clues about why the character is searching, as i'm not too sure that his motivation is very clear.

1 comment:

  1. Hey this blog is really freaking interesting. I digg it (in the non-blogging sense if anyone knows what that means anymore)!

    I wish you luck.

    -- Young Finance Guy - BenweB --
