I'm busy trying to decide just what it is that I'm going to put here. I know the obvious answer. This is meant to be a portfolio site. Inevitably, I'm going to be posting work, both for university and for things that I do on the side. But that answer also brings with it more questions. Like, what exactly do I want from showing my work? And, is this a give and take thing? Will there be rewards to reap, other than my own reflections? (...there are more questions, but i'd hate to feel like I was hosting a Q&A just for me.)
So yes anyway, I'm having the unavoidable teething problems at the moment. As you can see the décor is, well, shit really. But fear not! I have plans...
- That header has to go. I need an image to set the mood of my blog, and to replace the forced upper case title bar.
- I have work! OMG. I'd almost forgot about that... Yes, i'll be posting some of last years work here a.s.a.p.
- There has to be a way to tidy this layout somehow...none too fond of the stuff on the right of the page here ---> but then again...thinking in terms of a book, and how many words you should have on a line maximum, do i want this to be so wide?
- erm..

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